Vowels and Consonants:

The letters in the English language are classified as Vowels and Consonants.
The letters “a”, “e”, “i”, “o” and “u” are called Vowels.

What is a Vowel?

“Vowel” is a speech sound produced by opening of the vocal tract, with vibration of the vocal cords without audible friction”.

Is Y a Vowel?

When “y” comes at the middle of the word like “symbol” or at the end of the word like “city”, it gives “i” sound”. So it is considered as a Vowel. Otherwise, When it comes at the starting of the word like “Yard”, “Yellow”, “yes”, it is a Consonant.

Long Vowel:

The long Vowel sounds like the letter itself. For example, the long “A” sounds like the letter “A”. The letter “E” sounds like “E”.

There are 2 ways to make a long vowel.

1. Placing “E” at the end of the word:

The first way is to place “e” at the end of the word.
For example:
Mike, make, bake.

2. placing 2 vowels next to each other:

When you place 2 vowels next to each other, it gives the sound of the first vowel:
For example:
Team, Please, meat.

What is a short Vowel:

When a vowel is not making the sound of the own letter, it is called a short vowel.
For example:
“A” as in “apple”,
“e” as in “egg”

using long and short vowels together:

there are certain words in which “long ” and “short” Vowels can be used together.
For example:
Beyond, behind.

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