Capitalisation rule:

Name of people always starts with capital letters:

The name of people always starts with a capital letter.
For example:
John, Priya, Igbal. ETC.

Name of place such as city, state, country always starts with a capital letter.

The name of places such as city, state and country always starts with a capital letter.
For example:
Chennai, India, Germany, Italy, America ETC.

Name of things don’t start with capital letter.
Name of things such as table, chair, television, computer, laptop etc do not start with capital letter but the name of the company which produces them always starts with a capital letter.
For example:
Samsung, Philips, Benz, ETC.

Pronouns do not start with capital letter:
Pronouns like I, we, he, she, it, they do not start with capital letter.

Sentence or paragraph always start with capital letter:

When you are starting a paragraph or sentence while writing, the above rules don’t apply.
They always start with capital letter.

For example:
Table is in the right corner of the room.
They moved to UK in 2015.
We went to the movie yesterday.

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