
What is Syllabification?

Syllabification is the process of splitting words based on vowel sound.

How to Syllabify:

Read the word, identify the Vowel and Break the words according to the vowel sound.

Types of Syllabification:

  1. Monosyllabic.
  2. Disyllabic.
  3. Trisyllabic.
  4. Terasyllabic.
  5. Pentasyllabic.

1. Monosyllabic:

Monosyllabic words are words with only one syllablle.
Chair, school.

2. Disyllabic:

Disyllabic words are words with 2 syllables.
Table, Passion.

3. Trisyllabic

Trisyllabic words are words with three syllables.
Grandfather, enable.

4. Polysyllabic:

Polysyllabic words are words with 4 or more syllables.
Congratulations, entertainment, historical.

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