Month: August 2021

5 Simple sentences with Tamil translation:

  1. well done!-நன்றாக முடிந்தது.
  2. I will call you later-நான் உங்களை சிறிது நேரம் கழிந்து அழைக்கிறேன்.
  3. give me your hand-உங்கள் கையை எனக்குக் கொடுங்கள்.
  4. Get out of my sight-என் பார்வையை விட்டு வெளியேறு.
  5. keep it up-பழக்கப்படுத்திகொள் அல்லது மேம்படுத்திக்கொள்
Posted by admin in Beginner's lessons, English through tamil, 0 comments



The word “freequent” means something happening again and again.

  1. John’s freequent visits made me happy.
  2. He visits Singapore freequently.


Commonly, Regularly, usually.


Rare, unusual.

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Subject and Predicate:

Subject and Predicate are the most important part of a sentence.

What is a subject?

Subject is the main idea of the sentence.
It can be simple subject, Compound subject or a complex subject.

Simple subject:

It can be a Proper noun Like names of a person or a place like Rajasthan, Europe, Jones ETC.
It can be an Improper noun like city, girl, bus ETC.
Improper noun is also known as common noun.
It can also be a pronoun like it, he, she ETC.
It can also be an introgative subject such as What, which, Who, Where ETC.

Compound Subject:

It is a combination of 2 simple subjects.

Complex Subjects:

It is a group of things with a modifier.
The height of Mount Everest excited everyone!


Predicate is the job the subject is doing.

Simple predicate:

Predicate must contain a verb.
The dog barks.
In this sentence, dog is the subject and barks is the verb.

Compound predicate:

It is a combination of 2 verbs at the end of a sentence.

Ram and Rahim are singing and playing.
This sentence has 2 verbs like singing and playing.
So, it is a compound predicate.

Complex predicate:

It is everything except the subject!

Chaaru is doing her homework.

In this sentence, Chaaru is the subject and is doing her homework is complex predicate.

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Room related words

Room related words:

  1. Shed – A separated building from the house usually for storing garden tools.
  2. Loft – A room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, used for accommodation or storage.
  3. Attic – A space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building.
  4. Cellar – A room below ground level in a house, often used for storing wine or coal.
  5. Basement – Room below ground level, with windows, used for living and working.
  6. Landing – The Flat area at the top of a staircase.
  7. Porch – Covered area before the entrance door.
  8. Pantry or larder – A room or large cupboard for storing food.
  9. Terrace or patio – A Paved area between the house and garden for sitting and eating, etc.
  10. The study – A room for reading, writing, studying in.
  11. Balcony – An area with a wall or bars around it that are joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level.
Posted by admin in Beginner's lessons, Vocabullary tips, 0 comments

Singular and plural:

by adding -s:

Most singular nouns form the plural by adding S.


By adding es:

A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es.


By adding ies:

A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y makes the plural by dropping the y and adding-ies.


Irregular nouns:

There will be no connection between the singular and plural. These are called irregular nouns.

woman women.
child children.

Used with the singular forms:

Some Plural nouns are used with a singular:


Plural noun with plural verb Sentence:


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  1. Approximate calculation.
    The estimate of his education will be 10 Lakhs for 5 years.
  2. Judgement:
    My estimate of him is wrong.


Past tence-Estimated.
Past participle-Estimated.

Related words:

  1. Calculate.
  2. Approximate.
  3. Guess.
  4. Judge.
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Happy Friendship Day!

Who is a friend?
Faithful Relation In the Earth that Never Dies!

Friendship is the wonderful relationship given by God to share our feelings that we can’t share with our family!

If we share our happiness, they will also enjoy!
If we share our sorrow, they will give shoulders to lie and cry!
They will be there whenever we need them!

Everyone will cherish the beautiful friendship!
But noone will thank their friend!

Here is a poem by Lisa M. Chapin who thank her friend for everything she got!
Let’s join and thank our friends too!

A Friend

By Lisa M. Chapin

A friend like you is hard to find,
one that touches you deep inside.
You’ve given me strength to carry on,
you’ve offered your hand to hold on.
When times are tough, I know you’re there
to offer support and show you care.
If not for you, I would have drowned,
but you help keep me on solid ground.
I believe you were sent from the man above
because he knows the strength of your love.
You show that love in so many ways.
It helps me get through my darkest of days.
So for that, I write this poem for you
and tell you from my heart, THANK YOU!

Happy friendship day!

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