Subject and Predicate:

Subject and Predicate are the most important part of a sentence.

What is a subject?

Subject is the main idea of the sentence.
It can be simple subject, Compound subject or a complex subject.

Simple subject:

It can be a Proper noun Like names of a person or a place like Rajasthan, Europe, Jones ETC.
It can be an Improper noun like city, girl, bus ETC.
Improper noun is also known as common noun.
It can also be a pronoun like it, he, she ETC.
It can also be an introgative subject such as What, which, Who, Where ETC.

Compound Subject:

It is a combination of 2 simple subjects.

Complex Subjects:

It is a group of things with a modifier.
The height of Mount Everest excited everyone!


Predicate is the job the subject is doing.

Simple predicate:

Predicate must contain a verb.
The dog barks.
In this sentence, dog is the subject and barks is the verb.

Compound predicate:

It is a combination of 2 verbs at the end of a sentence.

Ram and Rahim are singing and playing.
This sentence has 2 verbs like singing and playing.
So, it is a compound predicate.

Complex predicate:

It is everything except the subject!

Chaaru is doing her homework.

In this sentence, Chaaru is the subject and is doing her homework is complex predicate.

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