Month: April 2022

Nouns and types of nouns:


The noun is the name of a thing, place, person, animal, or thing.
Lets discuss the types of noun in detail

1. Common Noun:

General names for people, animals, things, or object that belongs to a common group is known as common noun.


  1. She is a good girl.
    girl is a common noun.
  2. I bought a pen yesterday.
    pen is a common thing.
  3. We are going to school.
    school is a commonplace.

2. Proper Noun:

A proper noun is a specific name given to a person, place, or thing


  1. Jawahar Lal Nehru is the first Prime Minister of India.
    In this sentence the name, Jawahar Lal Nehru is a proper noun.
  2. I love my pet dog Veera.
    In this sentence the name of the dog-Veera is the proper noun.
    Chennai is my hometown.
    In this sentence the name Chennai is a proper noun.

A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

3. Collective Noun:

A collective noun is a naming word that denotes people, animals, or things in a group.


  1. Collective Noun for a group of animals:
    A flock of birds.
    A herd of sheep.
    A school of fish.
  2. Collective Noun for a group of people:
    A choir of singers.
    A team of players.
    A band of musicians.
  3. Collective Noun for a group of things or objects:
    A pair of shoes.
    A bunch of grapes.
    A deck of cards.

4. Abstract Noun:

An Abstract Noun denotes the quality, action, and state of a living being. It cannot be perceived by the five senses.

Quality-Darkness, strong, brave.
Action-Laugh, cry, jump.
State-Youth, childhood, poverty.

5. Concrete Noun:

Objects that are in the form of material and can be perceived by sense is known as a concrete noun.


  1. I had a cup of tea.
  2. Siva went to school by bus.
  3. The book is on the table.
    (the words like book, table, cup, bus in the above sentence, are considered as a concrete noun).

6. Countable Noun:

Nouns that can be counted or measured come under countable noun

Aarav bought 10 chocolates for his friends.
I purchased a dozen of bangles for my sister.
(the words dozen and number 10 fall under countable nouns.)

  1. Uncountable Noun
    Uncountable nouns are substances or things that cannot be counted separately.

Asha colored her hair red
I don’t like to have more sugar in my tea.
(In the above sentences the words like hair, sugar cannot be counted separately).
So they are Uncountable nouns.

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