Articles and usage:

  1. A common noun if it is in singular such as boy, girl, ball must have an article. But A plural noun can be used with or without an article.
  2. If it is a proper noun, it will take no article.
  3. Articles are not used with material nouns such as gold, silver, iron, wheat, rice etc.

Usage of The:

  1. The definite article the must be used with superlative adjectives.
    Superlative Adjectives end with “est”.
  2. Use “the” before musical instruments such as Keyboard, Violin etc.
  3. Do not use an article before common expressions of place such as work, School etc.
  4. Don’t use “the” before the names of companies.
  5. Don’t use “the” before “breakfast”, “lunch”, or “dinner” when talking about everyday meals.
  6. Don’t use “the” with a uncount or plural count noun.

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