
Verb Part 1

What is a verb?

A verb is an action word.

In this lesson, we are going to learn about Helping verbs, Action verbs and Modal verbs.

Action verbs:

Verbs referring to an action is called action verbs.

Running, dancing, sleeping, reading, jumping etc.

Helping verbs:

These are also called Auxillary verbs.
It is used to change the other verb’s tense, mood or voice.

Examples of Auxillary verbs:
Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Have, Has and Do.

Modal verb:

Modal verbs are used to denote the possibility, probability, capability or necessity of something happening.

Can, Could, Will, Would, May, Might, Should, Must and Ought to.

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Articles and usage:

  1. A common noun if it is in singular such as boy, girl, ball must have an article. But A plural noun can be used with or without an article.
  2. If it is a proper noun, it will take no article.
  3. Articles are not used with material nouns such as gold, silver, iron, wheat, rice etc.

Usage of The:

  1. The definite article the must be used with superlative adjectives.
    Superlative Adjectives end with “est”.
  2. Use “the” before musical instruments such as Keyboard, Violin etc.
  3. Do not use an article before common expressions of place such as work, School etc.
  4. Don’t use “the” before the names of companies.
  5. Don’t use “the” before “breakfast”, “lunch”, or “dinner” when talking about everyday meals.
  6. Don’t use “the” with a uncount or plural count noun.

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Nouns and types of nouns:


The noun is the name of a thing, place, person, animal, or thing.
Lets discuss the types of noun in detail

1. Common Noun:

General names for people, animals, things, or object that belongs to a common group is known as common noun.


  1. She is a good girl.
    girl is a common noun.
  2. I bought a pen yesterday.
    pen is a common thing.
  3. We are going to school.
    school is a commonplace.

2. Proper Noun:

A proper noun is a specific name given to a person, place, or thing


  1. Jawahar Lal Nehru is the first Prime Minister of India.
    In this sentence the name, Jawahar Lal Nehru is a proper noun.
  2. I love my pet dog Veera.
    In this sentence the name of the dog-Veera is the proper noun.
    Chennai is my hometown.
    In this sentence the name Chennai is a proper noun.

A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

3. Collective Noun:

A collective noun is a naming word that denotes people, animals, or things in a group.


  1. Collective Noun for a group of animals:
    A flock of birds.
    A herd of sheep.
    A school of fish.
  2. Collective Noun for a group of people:
    A choir of singers.
    A team of players.
    A band of musicians.
  3. Collective Noun for a group of things or objects:
    A pair of shoes.
    A bunch of grapes.
    A deck of cards.

4. Abstract Noun:

An Abstract Noun denotes the quality, action, and state of a living being. It cannot be perceived by the five senses.

Quality-Darkness, strong, brave.
Action-Laugh, cry, jump.
State-Youth, childhood, poverty.

5. Concrete Noun:

Objects that are in the form of material and can be perceived by sense is known as a concrete noun.


  1. I had a cup of tea.
  2. Siva went to school by bus.
  3. The book is on the table.
    (the words like book, table, cup, bus in the above sentence, are considered as a concrete noun).

6. Countable Noun:

Nouns that can be counted or measured come under countable noun

Aarav bought 10 chocolates for his friends.
I purchased a dozen of bangles for my sister.
(the words dozen and number 10 fall under countable nouns.)

  1. Uncountable Noun
    Uncountable nouns are substances or things that cannot be counted separately.

Asha colored her hair red
I don’t like to have more sugar in my tea.
(In the above sentences the words like hair, sugar cannot be counted separately).
So they are Uncountable nouns.

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The word “freequent” means something happening again and again.

  1. John’s freequent visits made me happy.
  2. He visits Singapore freequently.


Commonly, Regularly, usually.


Rare, unusual.

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Subject and Predicate:

Subject and Predicate are the most important part of a sentence.

What is a subject?

Subject is the main idea of the sentence.
It can be simple subject, Compound subject or a complex subject.

Simple subject:

It can be a Proper noun Like names of a person or a place like Rajasthan, Europe, Jones ETC.
It can be an Improper noun like city, girl, bus ETC.
Improper noun is also known as common noun.
It can also be a pronoun like it, he, she ETC.
It can also be an introgative subject such as What, which, Who, Where ETC.

Compound Subject:

It is a combination of 2 simple subjects.

Complex Subjects:

It is a group of things with a modifier.
The height of Mount Everest excited everyone!


Predicate is the job the subject is doing.

Simple predicate:

Predicate must contain a verb.
The dog barks.
In this sentence, dog is the subject and barks is the verb.

Compound predicate:

It is a combination of 2 verbs at the end of a sentence.

Ram and Rahim are singing and playing.
This sentence has 2 verbs like singing and playing.
So, it is a compound predicate.

Complex predicate:

It is everything except the subject!

Chaaru is doing her homework.

In this sentence, Chaaru is the subject and is doing her homework is complex predicate.

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Singular and plural:

by adding -s:

Most singular nouns form the plural by adding S.


By adding es:

A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es.


By adding ies:

A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y makes the plural by dropping the y and adding-ies.


Irregular nouns:

There will be no connection between the singular and plural. These are called irregular nouns.

woman women.
child children.

Used with the singular forms:

Some Plural nouns are used with a singular:


Plural noun with plural verb Sentence:


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  1. Approximate calculation.
    The estimate of his education will be 10 Lakhs for 5 years.
  2. Judgement:
    My estimate of him is wrong.


Past tence-Estimated.
Past participle-Estimated.

Related words:

  1. Calculate.
  2. Approximate.
  3. Guess.
  4. Judge.
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What is Syllabification?

Syllabification is the process of splitting words based on vowel sound.

How to Syllabify:

Read the word, identify the Vowel and Break the words according to the vowel sound.

Types of Syllabification:

  1. Monosyllabic.
  2. Disyllabic.
  3. Trisyllabic.
  4. Terasyllabic.
  5. Pentasyllabic.

1. Monosyllabic:

Monosyllabic words are words with only one syllablle.
Chair, school.

2. Disyllabic:

Disyllabic words are words with 2 syllables.
Table, Passion.

3. Trisyllabic

Trisyllabic words are words with three syllables.
Grandfather, enable.

4. Polysyllabic:

Polysyllabic words are words with 4 or more syllables.
Congratulations, entertainment, historical.

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Indefinite Articles:

“a” and “an” are called “indefinite articles”.

Uses of “A” and “AN”:

They are used to talk about things in general.
For example:

  1. I saw “a dog” in the street.
    “a” dog refers to any dog.
  2. I saw “an” Elephant in the zoo”.
    “an elephant” refers to any elephant in the zoo.

“a” is used:

  1. Before singlular nouns if it is a “consonant”-a book, a car, a dog, a zoo, a rat.
  2. Before singular nouns beginning with consonant sound-University, Uniform, User.
    Note: Though “U” is a vowel, sometimes, it has a consonant sound.
  3. Before nouns starting with a pronounced “h” sound-horse, high.

An is used: <./h2> Before singular noun starting with a “vowel”. Before singular nouns starting with silent “H”.-hour, honest.
Note: Though “h” is a consonant, “an” is used when “h” is silent. Note:
In some words where “H” is pronounced, such as “Historical”, “an” is used.

Membership of a group:

The indefinite articles are used to indicate membership of a group:
I am a teacher.
He is an Irish.

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The word basis means starting point.
She found the basis for the argument.


base, foundation, keystone, root, center, core, heart, nucleus, essence, soul.


the tower is at the top of the house.

Tamil Translation:

அடிப்படை என்ற சொல்லுக்கு தொடக்க புள்ளி என்று பொருள்.
அவள் வாதத்திற்கான அடிப்படையைக் கண்டுபிடித்தாள்.

அடிப்படை, அடித்தளம், கீஸ்டோன், வேர், மையம், மையம், இதயம், கரு, சாரம், ஆன்மா.

கோபுரம் வீட்டின் உச்சியில் உள்ளது.

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